robeson county tax office in north carolina

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The Robeson County Tax Office is responsible for property tax assessment for real and personal property located in Robeson County, North Carolina.  This includes motor vehicle registration and taxation.   The County Tax Office’s primary job is to discover, list, and value all taxable property.  In addition, the County Tax Office is responsible for collecting tax revenue.

Information about Robeson County

Robeson County has a population of 134,168.  It is located in North Carolina.  The county seat of Robeson County is Lumberton.   Robeson County contains the cities, villages, communities, or towns of: Fairmont, Lumber Bridge, Marietta, Maxton, McDonald, Orrum, Parkton, Pembroke, Proctorville, Raynham, Red Springs, Rennert, Rowland, St. Pauls, Alfordsville, Back Swamp, Barnesville, Britts, Burnt Swamp, East Howellsville, Gaddy, Parkton, Philadelphus, Raft Swamp, Rennert, Saddletree, Shannon, Smiths, Smyrna, Sterlings, Thompson, Union, West Howellsville, Whitehouse, Wishart, Barker Ten Mile, Elrod, Prospect, Raemon, Rex, Shannon, Wakulla, Bloomington, Five Forks, and Red Banks.  If you believe your property is located Robeson County and do not see the name of your city, town, or township on this list, you can contact the Tax Office for more information.

Role of the Robeson County Tax Office

The primary role of Robeson County Tax Office is tax assessment.  Assessing taxes involves making an estimate as to the property’s value and using that value as a bases for taxation.  Robeson County taxes real property and some types of personal property, such as automobiles.  In addition, the Robeson County Tax Office maintains information about land in Robeson County including detailed deed records and online GIS maps.

By searching through Robeson County’s online Tax Administration Records, you can find information about different parcels of land.  That information includes, but is not limited to: owner first name and last name, tax status, address, and parcel identification number(s).

Robeson County also maintains an online deed lookup tool.  This tool is meant to be provided as a service, but information on the tool does not supersede conflicting information found in the actual deeds held at the County Courthouse.  This tool can help you find who owns land, who granted the land, when it was conveyed, and whether it is held by an individual or a company.

Assessing Property Values

Taxable personal property includes: boats, motors, jet skis, mobile homes, aircraft, vehicles, trailers, campers, and motorcycles.  Property values are assessed based on a schedule, but you can challenge an assessment value if you feel as if the particular conditions or circumstances of your personal property should take it out of that scheduled value.

Rather than looking at the sale price of your individual piece of land, the Robeson County Tax Office uses the concept of market value to assess property valuations for tax purposes.  Fair market value involves determining what a buyer in an arms’ length transaction would be willing to pay for a piece of land.  This means looking at certain factors such as the size of the parcel, any improvements on the land, the amenities on the land, and the parcel’s location.  To estimate values, the Tax Office will look at sales of comparable homes or pieces of land.

Taxpayers can appeal real or personal property assessments within 30 days of receiving an assessment.

The tax exemptions available in Robeson County include agricultural, horticultural, and forestry exemptions.

Robeson County Tax Administrator

The head of the Robeson County, North Carolina, County Tax Office is the Robeson County Tax Administrator. The Tax Administrator performs two functions: county assessor and county tax collector.  The current Robeson County Tax Administrator is Cindy Lowry.

Contact the Robeson County Tax Office

You can reach the Robeson County Tax Office at:

Robeson County Tax Office
500 N. Elm St., Room 103
Lumberton, NC 28358
Phone: 940-671-3060

To pay taxes over the phone, call 1-866-249-0705

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:15am-5:15pm


The Robeson County Tax Office is supervised by the Robeson County Tax Administrator, Cindy Lowry.  The Tax Office is responsible for assessing and collecting taxes on real and select personal property in the county.